TESLA SELENIUM is vitally important supplement in strengthening your immune system. TESLA SELENIUM is shown to have antihypertensive, antiviral, antibacterial and antimalarial capabilities.

Studies have shown that TESLA SELENIUM by WAVE GENOME (organic Selenium compound), administered immediately after an acute stroke, can reduce the area of ​​damage to the brain tissue and the vascular system of the brain.

TESLA SELENIUM by WAVE GENOME is proven to be essential in the restoration of eye sight.
TESLA SELENIUM is shown to reduce weight.
TESLA SELENIUM helps in enhancement of mental, physical and psychic abilities.
TESLA SELENIUM is proven to normalize the pH balance and reduce the biological age.

When using selenium compounds, it is important to take into account not only their organic nature, but also the valence of the metalloid in these compounds, since the valence “+6” and “+4” of selenium is toxic in organic compounds as well.

To date, the safest Selenium compounds in the world have been recognized as preparations containing Selenium in the divalent form of Se + 2. In the world, only two countries today have such forms of selenium – these are Russia and Japan. TESLA SELENIUM by WAVE GENOME is BIVALENT.



The emergence of many diseases is caused by a shortage of vital elements. But if many people know about the importance of microelements Mg, Ca, K, Na, Zn, Si, Cr, etc., the role of Germanium (Ge) – as an element of life – is still known only to a narrow circle of specialists.

Among the biological properties of organic Germanium, its ability to:
- To transfer Oxygen in the body;
- To increase immunity
- To demonstrate antitumor activity.

1. Germanium refers to rare trace elements and is present in many food products, but in very small quantities. The high content of this microelement in tomato juice is 5.8 μg / g and beans – 4.7 μg / g. The sources are milk – 1.5 μg / g, butter, salmon – 1.2 μg / g, celery, cabbage – 1 μg / g. Germanium is also present in plants: garlic contains 0.75 μg / g, in ginseng – 0.26-0.32 μg / g. The most sensitive to Oxygen deficiency are the central nervous system, myocardium, kidneys and liver. In the blood, Germanium behaves similarly to hemoglobin, which carries a negative charge and participates in the transfer of Oxygen in the tissues of the body, preventing the development of Oxygen deficiency (hypoxia). It is proved that Germanium is necessary for the restoration of vision.

2. Selenium is also an irreplaceable trace element. Its content in soils in a number of regions of Russia is extremely small, which leads to many diseases. The lack of Selenium provokes a cardiopathy in a person, disorders of the immune system, leads to disruption of cell membranes. Selenium is associated with functions of more than 100 enzymes. Selenium-containing enzymes are involved in the process of detoxification of metabolic products in the body, regulate the oxidation of fatty acids, affect the metabolism and synthesis of many hormones, control immunity and affect the reproductive function. Lack of Selenium leads to a decrease in vitality and visual impairment. It is proven that people with a pronounced deficiency of Selenium in the body suffer first of all from dysfunction and disease.

Selenium participates in biochemical adaptation (oxidation of natural substances), and also in the excretion of metabolites.
Selenium is involved in many forms of antioxidant protection.
Introduction of Selenium to the body significantly improves the function of the parenchymal organs, cellular and humoral elements of the immune system and reproductive organs.
Especially Selenium is needed by those who are engaged in intellectual work, and those who work a lot on the computer.

3. Zinc is also an indispensable micro element. Currently, Zinc is found in 200 enzymes that determine the course of various metabolic processes, including the synthesis and decomposition of carbohydrates and fats. It was found that Zinc affects the function of the genetic apparatus, cell growth and division, participates in adequate immune responses, influences the development of behavioral reflexes, and the functioning of the brain. Zinc provides antioxidant protection of cell membranes.
Zinc regulates the processes of calcium transport.

Zinc is necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system and the central nervous system. Zinc has the ability to protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis and vascular ischemia.



  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, angina, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.)
  • Diseases of the digestive system (ulcerative colitis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic gastritis, etc.)
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases (bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis)
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Prevention of premature aging of the body, protection from radiation and chemical effects of habitat
  • Prevention of diabetes mellitus, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome and increase in the working capacity of the body
  • Need to reduce the toxic effect on the body of medicines, tobacco and alcohol
  • Increased physical and psycho-emotional loads


Organic two-valent Selenium and Germanium are supplements that should be taken on permanent basis, since food does not supply enough of these elements. For maximum results, we recommend to go through intense course of 10 days for three pills three times a day. This is completely safe, since two-valent Selenium is non-toxic even in big quantities. Organic two-valent Selenium is 4000 times less toxic than Sodium Selenite, sold elsewhere.


TESLA SELENIUM is much more of Selenium than you can buy anywhere else.

90 capsules of Selenium on Amazon is $11 for 200 mCg (Micrograms), which is 1/1000th of a gram, total 0.018 gram.


And Selenium sold on Amazon is not a TWO-VALENT Selenium. It is a SIX-VALENT Selenium. This means that it is not only very expensive, but is totally TOXIC.

WAVE GENOME offers 60 pills a bottle of either TESLA SELENIUM PRO or TESLA SELENIUM MAXI. TESLA SELENIUM MAXI pill is 70 µg of Organic Two-Valent Selenium. TESLA SELENIUM MAXI pill is 25.0 µg of Organic Two-Valent Selenium, 100 µg of Organic Germanium, and 5.0 mg of Organic Zinc.

And this is a TWO-VALENT HIGH POTENCY Selenium. Only the two-valent selenium is non-toxic, and can be absorbed by the body.
The combination of DIVALENT SELENIUM with ZINC and GERMANIUM in one preparation increases the potency of each one of these three important trace elements in rejuvenation and enhancement of all physiological systems and bodily organs, from metabolic reactions to adequate immune responses, in optimizing the maintenance of neuroendocrine reactions and the regulation of the endocrine balance, as well as in the formation of a stable central nervous system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and reproductive organs.


ANNA (54 years old):

I found an amazing way to shed off weight. I lost 10 pounds in two weeks. I was getting the same food intake, was eating even more calories than usual, did less exercise…. I was on vocation in India, and I was eating two-egg cheese omelet, oats with regular milk, and sweet fruits daily, which is much more than I usually eat. And the secret is… six pills a day twice a day (three pills at one time) of the divalent (two-valent) selenium in one pill with zinc and germanium produced by WAVE GENOME as TESLA SELENIUM.

These pills are produced ONLY for the Russian military pilots and astranauts, and not available in the pharmacies, which sell only 4 and 6-valent selenium. We are the electric-chemical systems, and it is clear that Selenium deficiency is the key to cell degeneration. 4 and 6-valent Selenium is VERY toxic, and useless for the purposes of improving the electro-chemical system of our bodies. Just a waste of money!